Nest Series- Nest #3- Willow, moss, lichen, variety of stones - 2021.jpg


“This series is a reflection on habitat. It was born out of my reaction to the excessive forest clearing and development taking place on my home island. When a forest is cleared for building a new Human home many homes of the More Than Human world are destroyed. Nests seemed a connection to home for both Humans and More Than Humans. Who are you sharing your habitat with? How does your home impact the More Than Humans you share it with?”

Vessel Series - Alabaster 2019.jpg


“This is the first series I created and spans over a decade of work. These vessels are seen as holders of potential. In working them my goal is to enhance the beauty and natural motion of the stone.”

Large Torso, back - 2014-limestone.jpg

Hammer and Chisel

“After occasional initial cuts with an angle grinder these sculptures are shaped all by hand with a hammer and chisel.”

_Celestial Abundance_ front - Marble -2021.jpeg


“Expressions of my life journey. Each piece has a story.”